Glass washers - To rent or To buy?

Why and when to rent a dishwasher? Do you own a restaurant in Southport? Are you in a predicament because your dishwasher broke down completely? Well, the most overused and abused equipment in the kitchen of a restaurant is definitely the glass washer. But if you are running short of capital to invest in a new dishwasher then there is nothing to worry about. There are various Glass washer sales and rental companies in Southport providing services like renting out glass washer or sales of glass washer. Usually, the standard rates of these companies including GST can go up to 99AUD per hour for renting out glass washers. Yet there are companies that provide amazing services for charges as low as 49AUD on a weekly basis. On rainy days, these businesses are a life savior when one is running low on funds but the show must go on. They even provide Glass Washer Service and Repairs. How to invest in a new glass washer? Rainy days do not last long. What about...